Best Chest workout for men

Best Chest Workout For Men 

If you want to build your chest first of all you want to know about your chest muscle.

 Pectoral muscles are the muscle that connects the front of the human chest with the bones of the upper arm and shoulder. the region contains four muscles that provide movement to the upper limbs or ribs.

Why isn’t my chest grow?


  1. Upper chest 

  2. Whole chest 

  3. Lower chest 

You hit all areas of your chest because each exercise targets a different area or angle. That's benefitted you from starting your workout days. 


Start with lightweight dumbbells, they are not very lightweight on barbells. During exercise, take 40 - 50 seconds of rest and 70 -80 seconds of each set.  Don't focus on adding weight in comparison to other people, first of all, focus on your perfecting the movement.

1. Barbell Bench Press : 

   Lie on your back, then hold the barbell with the correct form and push a barbell up away from your chest and slowly pull down.   A beginner can take 10 - 8 -5 per set.

[ Focus on breathing between the reps, breathe in as you lower the weight then breathe out when you push the weight. Don't hold your breath.] 

  2. Decline Bench Dumbbell Press :

Hold a dumbbell in each hand, lie on your back on a declined bench extend your arms straight above you, shoulder-width apart, and overhead grip, pull down the dumbbell until they reach your chest, then push the dumble in the starting position, also focus on breathing., also take 10 -8 -5 reps on  per set     

 3. Decline Dumbbell Flyes : 

Hold a dumbbell in each hand, lie on your back on a declined bench and your dumbbells are straight ahead of you, a slight bend in your elbows and lower the dumbbells down to your sides until your feel your chest stretch, raise your dumbbells back in starting position and repeat.

4.  Incline bench chest press 

  Lie on an incline bench press and hold the bar, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, with your palm facing, make sure that your incline bench press should be 30 degrees from flat to target the upper chest.

5. Incline bench dumbbell flyes: 

Hold a dumbbell in each hand, lie on your back on an incline bench, relax your neck against the bench brace your core, press both dumbbells straight, and slowly pull the dumbbells. 

6. Push-up

Keep a tight core throughout the entire push-up, your chest touches the floor, and your body is in a straight line from your toe to your head your shoulder is also slightly bent.

Disclaimer:All photos are taken as a source 


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